Reading comprehension

Read the article ‘Words, Words’ on pages 18-19 of English Now No 103. Then fill in the blanks with one of the expressions; you might have to change the verb form to suit the tense (for example, use the past tense instead of the present or the infinitive).
  1. I’ve got too many friends, and I don’t think I can depend on them. I think it’s time for some .
  2. The spring cleaning really tired my aunt out. She’s too old to work that hard, I mean she’s no .
  3. The movie Rocky is about a boxer who loses a lot of fights and goes through some hard times, but he’s really courageous, and at the end he manages to .
  4. I could tell she was happy to see me. As she walked towards me, she had a real .
  5. When they played the national anthem at the World Cup, everyone in the stadium .
  6. The riot police were inactive at first. Then, when the protesters started to throw stones, they suddenly .
  7. I had just gotten home from my business trip when my wife told me she had lost her job. It was really the wrong time for her to this me.

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